Putting People First with Continuous Innovation

As populations age and healthcare facilities face increasing constraints, home-based care is becoming the future of healthcare, with more individuals opting to age in place. However, successfully aging in place requires planning, community support, connected caregivers, and reimagining the existing healthcare landscape.

Fortunately, continuous innovation is at the core of our client’s mission. Innovation enables them to positively impact their clients’ lives daily…and they set out to transform home healthcare by transforming their processes from within.


Overcoming a cumbersome paper-based intake process that burdened clients and staff with manual work


Digital self-service forms, automated care plan workflows, and centralized document management


Rapid intake, faster care coordination, reduced manual work, and improved client experiences.

The Problem

Like many healthcare providers, our client depended on paper forms to manage client intake and the provider onboarding process. These forms required patients to manually submit a thorough mix of personal information, clinical histories, and details about their home environment, such as whether they had a dog or the locations of security cameras.

Due to the detailed nature of the questions, staff often found themselves assisting prospective clients over the phone. Once the forms were completed, staff would manually input the data into their patient management system before contacting various providers across California to coordinate in-home care.

The existing system offered limited options for connecting clients with the most suitable providers for their specific in-home care needs. For example, they could not match clients and providers based on crucial factors like proximity, services offered, or unique care requirements.

These manual and inefficient processes led to delays and inefficiencies in care coordination. To better serve more people in California, our client recognized the need for streamlined, automated processes enhanced by cutting-edge technology — and they sought a partner to support this transformation.

The Solution

Our client recognized the importance of community-connected workforces, unified data models, and collaboration to ensure that 2.2 million older adults and individuals with disabilities in California could access whole-person care in their own homes. Whole-person care significantly enhances quality of life, allowing people to remain in their homes instead of transitioning to nursing homes or assisted living facilities.

Due to their healthcare expertise and reputation for creating patient-first platforms, our client partnered with Penrod to collaborate on this vision.

Replacing Paper Forms
Self-service digital applications powered by Titan replaced inefficient paper-based forms that hampered care coordination and created manual workloads. Clients can now complete user-friendly online forms that instantly populate the patient management platform with demographic, clinical, and environmental data, eliminating the need for manual entry.

Empowering Providers with a Powerful Portal
Furthermore, a provider portal powered by Salesforce Experience Cloud empowers caregivers to find nearby clients whose in-home needs align with their specific healthcare services. This replaced the previous onboarding process, allowing for more personalized matches.

The Results

As healthcare shifts towards home-based solutions for aging populations, our client has faced – and overcome – the challenges of traditional paper-based processes.

By partnering with Penrod, they developed digital self-service applications that streamline client intake, automate care plan workflows, and enhance data management. This transformation has improved care coordination efficiency, enabling caregivers to connect effectively with clients based on specific needs and proximity. This supports the goal of delivering whole-person care for older adults and individuals with disabilities in California.

As healthcare continues to switch to at-home models, our client will be there to assist.

Rapid Intake

Faster Care Coordination

Better Client Experiences

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